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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Change The location of the TEMP directory!

Hey there,
It's me Ashwin Sinha back again,
Well, over the past few months, 2 years to be approximate, people complain of low disk space in windows XP. This Happens Mainly due to 3 factors :

1) You do Not Clear The Recycle Bin
2) You Have Too Many System Restore Points Saved
3) Your Temp drive eats too much space.

Usually an average user who's got around 3 years of an experience can tackle the 1st 2 problems but the third one is still a pain in the nose.

What users mostly do is just clear all the files saved in the temp directory located in Windows XP at : C(root):\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp
This helps but is a very short lived relief.

To avoid this, there is another very good method but with a small problem which may make you angry if you do not have all the required things.

This method is very very helpful if you have another hard drive or a partition on your computer.

The Idea is to change the location of your Temp directory from the root drive to the drive you have free space in !!!

To do this:
1. Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
2. Select System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables.
3. Edit the variable to reflect your new drive.

In Environment Variables, Change The location of both TEMP and TMP to the desired location you want your folder to be shfted to.

A Video on how to do this has been posted below:

So, This gets you 1 more problem solved !
If you are happy, or you still have any problems, do send in your comments to this post and you will be contacted soon!

Creative Commons License
Article : Change The location of the TEMP directory! by Ashwin Sinha is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at

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